精匯科技有限公司是一家集科技開發、生產各種摩托車、汽油機化油器產品為主的專業生產制造公司 ,公司技術力量雄厚,加工設備先進,檢測設備完善,所有產品嚴格按照ISO9001質量體系操作,公司以 優質的產品,完善的售后服務贏得廣大用戶的支持,不但為多家國內摩托車廠配套,產品還遠銷東南亞、 越南等國家和地區。
精匯人秉承:“以質為本、誠信為實、卓越創新”的經營理念,努力做好每一個產品。歡迎廣大用戶 來電來函洽談。
The JINGHUI science and technology limited company is a profession that gathers the science and technology development and produces various motorcyle,the gasoline machine carburetor product as lord to produce to make the company,the company technique power is strong, processing the equipments forerunner,examine the equipments perfect,all product strictly according to the ISO9001 quantity system operation,company with the product of the superior quality,the perfect after-sales service wins the support of the large customer, not only in order to have another a local motorcycle factory kit,the product still sells as far as the Southeast Asia,Vietnam etc. nation and regions.
The JINGHUI person take orders:The principle of management of "taking quality as the this,trustworthiness is a solid and outstanding innovation",work hard to work well each product.Welcome the large customer telephones to write us the talks.
The product that wishes the superior quality brings you the big repay.